Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another week

So now that I've decided to blog again, I keep waiting for inspiration about something cute, funny or even amazing to share. And I guess I must keep waiting because it was just another week, just as usual, just as simple. Maybe for all of this I should be extra grateful. So I will post a picture of my darling daughter Tynli. She is 6 and three quarters and yes that three quarters is very important. She is good a math, and loves to create things. She is a sweet big sister, a helpful daughter and a loving pet owner. She's a good friend as long as you do what she says. (not really, well at least not all the time). She is not perfect, but I am blessed to be her mother, and for this I am truly grateful.


Lorissa J. Longfellow said...

I often feel the same and your correct, we should be grateful for the everyday.
So sweet to celebrate your daughter. She has really grown since I last saw her.

jamie said...

sorry hope you dot mind I added you to my blog list, Justus still talks about Tynli like she never moved, I'm sure he would love to see her if/when you guys come done for a visit. Take care, Jamie
(let me know if you want an invite so Tynli can see what Justus has been up too, we had to go private)